Želite li da saznate više o Klubu 100P Plus i njegovim ciljevima ?

stručno usavršavanje poljoprivrednika;

razmena stručnih i drugih informacija;

podsticanje i pomaganje istraživačkog rada u poljoprivredi i šire, a koji je od interesa za poljoprivrednike;

motivaciona i organizovana stručna - naučna razmena znanja u oblastima poljoprivrede

afirmacija mera za zaštitu životne sredine;

istraživanje, čuvanje i afirmisanje agrarne baštine;

edukacija i afirmacija žena u preduzetništvu i njihovog angažovanja na unapređenju života na selu;

razvoj i afirmacija ruralnog turizma;

zastupanje interesa poljoprivrednika pred organima države i njenim institucijama;

zauzimanje stavova prema radu poslovnih banaka, zadruga, trgovačkih kuća, proizvođača poljoprivrednih mašina i opreme za doradu-preradu poljoprivrednih proizvoda, pesticida, mineralnog đubriva, goriva i maziva, semenskih kuća, prehrambene industrije, stručnih službi i drugih institucija koje utiču na poslovanje poljoprivrednika, direktno ili indirektno.

It’s aims and task the society will realize through:

Affirmation of agricultural and Eco tourism.

Work out professional – expert projects which are important for successful business of farmers

Making choice of most favorable offers for basic equipment and materials for agricultural production

Cooperation with university and other agricultural organizations in the state and abroad

WEB portal agroplus.rs.

Organizing competitions in handling agricultural machines and equipment, arrangements of villages and houses etc.

Support and organize establishment of cooperation between farmers and R&D institutions and enterprises, Open Innovation.

Publishing its own publications, books and magazines of popular, expert and scientific character. Most important is the journal Agronomska Revija (Agronomic Review), four to six issue per year.

Initiating organizing excursions inland and abroad. Special are visits of international fairs, like Agritechnica, Germany, EIMA, Italy, SIMA, France, and advanced farmers inland and in other countries.

Organizing expert and professional trainings for the farmers, such as: seminars, workshops etc. The most important is Winter Seminar, with more than 400 participants. Duration of one week.

Organizing special days: field events, flowers day, day of agri mechanization, review of cattle’s, expositions of the home made agricultural products etc. Most significant is summer field event with exhibition of agricultural machinery and present them in work.

Future vision and mission:

The members are informed about United Nations Organization 17 goals of sustainable development (2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals) SDG, and role of agriculture. Key words of future is Sustainable Agriculture. This term includes not only environmental aspect, but economic and social.

Member are well informed about in European Union proclaimed bioeconomy, and circular bioeconomy. Development of European Green Deal will be followed as well. Novelty is that biomass, including agricultural biomass, will be used for non-food products. This opens new chances for agriculture.

On national lever has been developed RIS3, Research and Innovation for Smart Specialization Strategy. In this is as one of priorities included agriculture and food industry.

How to achieve this:

It is important to underline that generator of business success, and obtaining of sustainability, is development of new innovative technologies, products and services. The important role to obtain Agriculture 4.0 is digitalization, i.e. wide application of information and communication technologies. To reach this, agriculture should cooperate with R&D institution, which are already member of the Cluster. The Open Innovation will be apply as a cooperation model.

Cluster will work on diverse services aimed to support placement of agricultural and agro-food products, especially by internationalization of business.